Out of resources when opening file './www_somabed_gr/products.MYD' (Errcode: 24)
query=SELECT filters.*, count(distinct products.prod_id) as total from prodcat_weight inner join products on products.prod_id = prodcat_weight.prod_id inner join products_filters as fl1 on products.id=fl1.product_id inner join products_filters as fl2 on products.id=fl2.product_id inner join products_filters on products_filters.product_id=products.id inner join filters on products_filters.filter_id=filters.id WHERE prodcat_weight.cat_id in (1079) and prodcat_weight.hidden='0' and ((fl1.filter_id='457' or fl1.filter_id='459' or fl1.filter_id='487' or fl1.filter_id='463') and (fl2.filter_id='80') ) group by filters.id order by filters.weight asc